17 May, 2009

The perfect world ...

I have always been an advocate of eradicating "money" and "progress" from this world. I still hold that they have been the reason for our misery. So, I have this concept, "the perfect world", wherein we all live together as a single big community and there is no money, etc etc. These thoughts of mine surfaced once again when I started reading this book called "Outliers" by "Malcom Gladwell". The first chapter in itself is very good. Do read the first chapter here. It isn't huge. Shouldn't take more than 15 minutes of your precious time. It is a real good read. I do hope to realise my dream sometime :).


Indrani said...

how do u see yourself fulfilling your grand dream (ref.: previous post :P ;)) without money or progress????

Jitesh Shah said...

hehe.. well, I prioritize :D

Indrani said...

:D... hmm i would like to SEE the priorities :P